Megan Tyne holds the AMI 3-6 Diploma and a BA Dip Ed and has been involved in Montessori education since 1985. She has three grown children, all of whom attended Montessori. With a professional background in computers, finance and marketing she has assisted numerous Montessori associations both in Australia and overseas. She was Chairperson of the International Montessori Centenary Committee and is website designer for several Montessori organisations including the Association Montessori Internationale. Megan also assists with Indigenous Montessori projects in Australia and attended the 2004 Educateurs sans Frontières assembly held in Burgos, Spain. She is currently Executive Director of the Montessori Children's Foundation and the Montessori Australia Foundation, CEO of the Australian Centre for Montessori Studies and Project Coordinator for the Association Montessori Internationale.